Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back in the groove

Well with everything going on with the move, I stopped doing just about anything related to health including food and fitness.  A few weeks before the move I was so focused on packing up the house (and I packed just about everything by myself, since my hubby was so busy studying for his medical school boards), so many things were set on the back burner. 

But you will be proud to know that I'm getting back into the groove.  Now that we are a bit more settled here in our new home, I've committed myself to start the Bikini Boot Camp.

I took my "before" measurements, got my fridge and pantry ready, and started.  It wasn't the best week to start with a friend's birthday dinner at one of our favorite pizza restaurants, a long weekend with family in town (which always means trouble when it comes to food), but I feel for the first week I did pretty good.  Jake is also doing it with me which is good motivation and encouragement.  Over the past week I've done about 5 good days total and since that long weekend I'm just getting back into the working out and eating right this week.  It's amazing how much better I've already felt now that I'm eating less and better food and getting active everyday. 

So, here's to a good start and a new beginning.  I'll keep you updated on my accomplishments and measurements. 

For those interested, here are my "before" measurements:  (They are pretty pathetic as it's the heaviest I've been in my life, but you've got to start somewhere right?)

As an update on my couch to 5k business, I recently strained my left hip flexor and so it has been really difficult for me to get out and run without it giving me trouble.  Luckily it doesn't hurt on the elliptical, so I'll be sticking to that.  I'm not sure what this means for a 5K, but I don't want to risk further injury if I try to train for something like that.

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