Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I woke up this morning pretty discouraged.  Not only did the home that we were hoping to rent not go through, stepping onto that scale was just the icing on the cake for the start of a rough day.  There was no change (If anything more weight).  The big 1-6-8 stared back at me and I couldn't help but feel like the last week of a good effort working out was just thrown to waste.  I've definitely concluded that food as my closest friend is also my worst enemy.  Even though I love it, it's hurting me when I try to meet my goal.

To fill you in on the weight issue I've been having, I started out pre-pregnancy with Audree at 144.  My goal before having her was to get to my pre-pregnancy before Joshua which was 138.  So started Audree's pregnancy a little over what I wanted.  I gained weight slowly and didn't gain nearly as much as I did with Josh and ended up at 178 right before I delivered her.  Right after having her I dropped 14lbs pretty quickly, but at 4-5 weeks postpartum I had gained 4 lbs. back.  I thought that nursing was supposed to help you drop weight and that your body was supposed to drop weight anyways after having a baby.  Turns out, for me, it doesn't.  

Over the past few weeks I've gone on and off with counting calories.  On the days I count I try hard to focus on eating better and I still end up around 2,000-2,100 calories a day.  Every once and while we'll get to my target of 1,700 - 1,800.  I wonder if I can go any lower than that, but I also have this huge paranoia when it comes to counting calories while nursing.  

Because I had such a difficult time establishing milk supply and nursing with Joshua, I'm overly anxious about something going wrong this time around. I want nothing more than to nurse little Audree, but I'm too scared to count calories and end up being too low and have my milk start to dry up.

Here's to less carbs and more veggies.  Hopefully we can start to see some sort of a change this week.

Has anyone experienced this same weight gain while nursing and after having a baby?

Does anyone have any suggestions on good ways to incorporate more veggies into their diet? 


  1. LOVE YOU. You'll get there...just small, gradual changes and no pressure :) You are BEAUTIFUL! xoxo Momma

  2. I totally understand how you feel! I had my little girl about 3 1/2 months ago. I gained 25 pounds total (10 less than with my first)One week after she was born I was down to only 5 pounds over my pre-preg weight. But it hasn't budged since then! Even though for the past almost two months I've been working out 5 days a week and eating less than 1700 calories a day. I think my problem is finding a good calorie target while nursing. It's hard because obviously you don't want to risk your supply and eat too little, but you also need to find that sweet spot where you can still lose. With my son it took about 4 months for my body to decide that I could start dropping weight (since I had a good milk supply and he started solids) and I lost 25 pounds in about a month! I'm just praying that happens again this time because all this work with ZERO results is getting pretty frustrating! Good luck to you! Here's to post baby weight loss! :)
