my inspiration

I have fond memories of spending time with my mom in the kitchen.  She is a fabulous cook.  Her cooking brings our family together and a lot of the time we spend together is highlighted by her good food.  Happy traditions and memories involve her food and many of the favorite meals in my home have been passed on from what she taught me.

I am also forever inspired by her mother, my Grandma Jane and the amazing cook and baker that she was.  A lot of what defined her as a woman was her amazing bread.  She would bake 12+ loaves a couple times a week, but not all of that dough would be for her family.  Some stayed in her home, but a lot went to loaves and other baked goods for everyone around her.  Bread was her form of service. 

Part of my quest to a happy food life involves an effort to incorporate more healthy food.  But I also believe that delicious, “not-so-healthy” comfort food brings happiness into my life as well.  I do feel that I’m a bit off in this area though, and hope to find balance between being happy and being healthy.

Cooking, food, and watching the joy that my food brings to others makes me happy.  I hope that sharing my tips, tricks and recipes with others can fill their homes with happiness as well.

Growing up I never had an issue with weight.  Seems as if I could eat whatever I wanted, do fairly minimal exercising and still manage to stay thin.  Since having my two wonderful children, my body has obviously changed.  Metabolism has slowed, baby weight sticks around and weight loss is a challenge.  Because having extra weight is a new feeling to me, it brings along with it lacking self-confidence and unhappiness. 

Happiness isn’t just found by a number on the scale though; it’s about feeling good in my skin.  Being fit can get me back to a place where I feel and look good about myself and my body and it also has many health benefits.

After a recent conversation with my dad, I have come to the conclusion that being fit takes work.  This is work that I will now do for the rest of my life.  Over time, I hope to change my outlook on fitness from something that I have to do into something that brings me happiness; happy work.

Highway to Happiness
Because fitness and food go hand-in-hand, I hope to find a way to bring these two aspects of my life together harmoniously. 

Finding a balance between all of these things, along with an increased dedication to my faith and family will be the foundation of my highway to happiness.  I hope that sharing my documentation of these things, can positively affect those that surround me and bring happiness into their lives as well. 


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